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thoughts & notes
To see more news and updates with tips and advice please visit my LinkedIn page
Working from home resources
LinkedIn is offering fantastic resources that can help you adapt to working virtually and searching for jobs in today's Covid market....
Reinventing Your Career in the Time of Coronavirus
Rethinking your career during Corona? Read this article. What isn't different about changing careers now is the need to be curious,...
Skills Checkpoint for Older Workers
Thinking of training and are over 45 years old? You may be eligible for the Skills Checkpoint funding, $2200 co-contribution towards...
6 Free Courses to Help You Manage Stress and Build Mindfulness Into Your 'New Normal'
Look after your mental health with LinkedIn Learning's free resources that help you to navigate the changing world of work. This set of...
Jobs for Australia
This is a great initiative, Jobs For Australia, is a not for profit that aims to match jobseekers with employment opportunities, while...
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